Creating Views from Advanced Find
Use Advanced Find not only to located certain records but also to create custom views for your contact records.
For example, this week we are targeting companies in the Food and drink industry with annual revenues over £5 million and SIC codes of "15.8**" where * is a wildcard character.
I created a view in Leads by going to Advanced Find and searching for:
Leads with:
Use Advanced Find not only to located certain records but also to create custom views for your contact records.
For example, this week we are targeting companies in the Food and drink industry with annual revenues over £5 million and SIC codes of "15.8**" where * is a wildcard character.
I created a view in Leads by going to Advanced Find and searching for:
Leads with:
- Annual revenue Greater than 5,000,000
- SIC Codes that Contain "15.8"